Reinvent, Reimagine, Recover and Rediscover yourself

DD Mishra
3 min readJan 3, 2022
Image courtesy SelectHealth

Post-Covid, stress became a norm, and a lot of people went through a difficult period. This is high time we find our work-life balance by reengineering our life using 4R’s — Reinvent, Reimagine, Recover and Rediscover to release our stress.


You cannot control everything. Let go of what you cannot control. Be happy with your weaknesses as they bring uniqueness. Leverage your strengths as they differentiate you. Both are important, and one complements the other. Don’t compare with others but see how unique you are in this world. Feel proud, pamper yourself and treat yourself well. You are your best friend. Please pick up the business of spreading happiness to others; it comes back to you soon. Make gratitude a crucial part of life, express gratitude for everyone around you daily, and make it your habit. The attitude of gratitude will transform you into something very different and drive changes around you.


There are many unknown unknowns and uncertainties. If we think about what can happen, many good and bad things come to our minds. You cannot control everything and let go of what you cannot control. Just relax and live for the moment. Living fully for that one hour as if it is not going to come back again makes a lot of sense. Reimagine yourself and think about things which you always wanted to do. Follow your passion and live for the moment as if nature has blessed you with abundance, and you are taken care of by invisible forces which keep the balance around the world.


If you have carried the baggage of the past, it is time to recover. You cannot predict the future and change the past. Nothing in this world happens without reason. A flap of a butterfly wing in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas. Butterfly will never know what happened next. The future is an extrapolation of the past. Whatever happens, it happens for a larger change in the future, and we may or may not have any visibility of that. Remember, when one door closes, there are many more opens. Challenges bring opportunities with them. Use them to move forward rather than keep looking at the door which has closed. Nature has already written incredible destiny for you; leverage it. Creative destruction is inevitable and nature’s way of nurturing a beautiful future.


You can rediscover yourself when you can retrospect. Practice meditation and take time for it. Mindfulness is the proven path towards reducing stress. It gives a fantastic feeling. Pick some meditation songs from youtube and try to concentrate around your mind for 20–30 mins. Change your hairstyle, visit the spa often, spend weekends or evenings visiting bars, go to the gym regularly, go for a long drive, or meet friends. Try to look younger and brighter and keep a smile on your face. Drink plenty of water. Develop some new skills and drive perfection and talk about it in your friend circle. You can pick up some social cause and do something good. Change is the only constant in life, and if dealt with properly, it brings happiness. Live for yourself and leverage fleeting moments towards beautiful experiences which you will never forget when needed.

The 4Rs can make your life very different and better. It is all in our minds.



DD Mishra

I am a researcher, blogger, social worker, activist, and change agent who strives to create social equilibrium and harmony for sustainable development.